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Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Gold Corrects - Buying Opportunity Coming?

Roy Martens says

The first quarter of the year has passed and it was a volatile one for the markets in general.

They plunged into an abyss straight out of the gate. But last month we saw a powerful rebound. Has the bottom for this horrible bear market been set?

Only the future will tell exactly what will happen to the markets. But to me it still seems that there's a lot more pain to suffer over the coming months maybe even years. Despite the recent concerted stimulus decisions of the governments of the G20, I'm afraid that it will get a lot worse again after this dead cat bounce is over.

All hopes are set for the outcome of these new plans that the G20 have taken, the question we have to ask is, will these proposed measures really do the job? In our view, as long as the financial system is in bad shape it will not. The banks have to become healthy again with clean balance sheets before they can jumpstart the economy again.

Another very important issue is the level of the consumer debt, which is horrible and will only get worse when the layoffs continue at the current pace. Last Friday we saw the (official) unemployment figure in the US rise to 8.5%, a number not seen since the early Eighties. My expectation is that this rate will get still worse during the year maybe even hitting 10% in 2010 because the layoffs are continuing at a very rapid pace.

Every investor will be eying the upcoming earnings season, especially the guidance for the rest of the year and 2010. This guidance could hand in a very nasty surprise for the bulls because the US economy is a consumer economy where private consumption makes up 70% of the GDP.

But these consumers need money to spend and that's just what they don't have because many of them have already maxed out their credit cards and with the uncertainty of employment they will try to save every penny they can to at least make basic ends meet. Consumer spending is likely to dry up even further.

This will be reflected in the upcoming company guidance bringing a lot of them in trouble when consumer spending deteriorates further. This will in its turn hurt the banks again which have to write off a lot of "bad loans" to companies, delivering another heavy blow to their balance sheets.

The current bounce in the markets is presenting a chance to raise some cash or at least get out at relatively high levels. With the general markets rising chances are there that the precious metals (and their stocks) will suffer a bit, thus handing us a perfect opportunity to pick up Gold, Silver and related stocks should this decline materializes.

----- With due apologies and full credits to the author

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