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Monday, 19 January 2009


Following is a list of top gainers and losers in the futures and options market in the NSE on 16 January 2009 for the January series:
We have added a new feature : The 5 previous days have been analyzed as to the change in the open interest over the previous trading day. This should give a better picture while analyzing the stocks.

Top Gainers

% CHANGE 15-Jan-09 14-Jan-09 13-Jan-09 12-Jan-09 09-Jan-09
PURVA 99000 132.94 0 1.19 3.7 -1.22 5.13
BAJAJ-AUTO 58200 88.96 1.32 2.01 9.56 4.62 -8.45
ABGSHIP 66550 49.38 1.25 23.08 -8.45 -17.44 -11.34
MONNETISPA 3150 40 0 0 0 0 0
FEDERALBNK 472305 37.38 0 14.12 -0.28 3.8 -1.16
STRTECH 506100 31.69 57.08 12.02 2.46 5.73 -3.03
NEYVELILIG 991200 30.99 -8.39 -0.53 9.11 2.99 -14.65
BONGAIREFN 2351250 27.44 5.26 0.26 4.58 1.78 3.99
CROMPGREAV 167000 25.09 3.89 4.47 -5.02 -26.21 -10.46
HINDZINC 72750 23.83 -7.84 9.44 4.02 0.9 -6.72
BANKBARODA 1689800 22.35 2.87 18.47 0.37 6.54 3.34
CANBK 975200 16.54 -13.77 17.31 21.22 -8.48 4.13
VOLTAMP 15750 14.55 -3.51 -1.72 -1.69 -1.67 15.38
MCDOWELL-N 340375 14.27 1.45 2.31 -1.88 -5.72 7.17
ADLABSFILM 1008225 13.96 -3.01 6.77 -2.32 1.38 -8.26
GDL 230000 12.2 0 -2.38 1.2 -3.49 -3.37
RELCAPITAL 4691310 11.93 -3.99 4 3.13 8.88 16.45
SATYAMCOMP 21387000 11.46 6.26 0.77 -3.83 -20.5 -18.45
NOIDATOLL 852800 11.23 -4.1 -3.47 -2.42 -10.39 -11.15
INDIAINFO 1377500 11.2 -4.44 24.34 -21.47 2.91 -25.86
DLF 12155200 10.8 1.42 -0.73 -1.29 8.53 -2.02
UNIPHOS 58800 10.53 15.15 22.22 -6.9 -29.27 -10.87
MLL 1986950 10.19 -0.27 0.41 -1.61 -4.96 1.95
PANTALOONR 1467100 10.08 115.98 259.41 4.66 -0.52 4.86
AKRUTI 1156500 9.92 18.44 20.12 61.32 0.53 -2.5

Top Losers

% CHANGE 15-Jan-09 14-Jan-09 13-Jan-09 12-Jan-09 09-Jan-09
NUCLEUS 57200 -35 0 0.63 -3.64 0 1.23
MRF 300 -25 0 100 0 0 0
HCL-INSYS 13600 -11.11 0 12.5 14.29 0 -12.5
GVKPIL 8858750 -10.81 5.29 12.59 -9.77 -2.1 -0.35
PFC 355200 -10.3 -6.25 10.34 2.57 0.97 5.12
BHARTIARTL 5699500 -10.1 7.69 -4.05 6.8 -10.38 -2.53
LICHSGFIN 663000 -8.88 20.56 17.16 8.99 -1.59 -12.94
BRIGADE 359150 -8.16 0 0.14 -0.14 -0.14 1.86
HCLTECH 2263950 -7.76 -2.4 -3.4 10.39 -10.64 -5.27
WIPRO 3948600 -5.27 2.13 -5.92 19.82 -3.04 1.45
STERLINBIO 2693750 -4.6 -1.4 -2.88 0.25 9.19 9.5
ACC 874012 -4.36 9.04 0.32 2.23 -12.08 -15.15
ABIRLANUVO 35400 -4.32 -0.54 -3.13 -4 10.5 -18.47
ASHOKLEY 7620900 -4.32 0.85 7.26 1.38 -2.37 -0.89
INDUSINDBK 685300 -3.78 3.06 2.57 -3.85 0.28 -4.72
LT 6531800 -3.68 3.37 3.97 -1.75 -1.83 20.03
BALRAMCHIN 5515200 -3.61 -6.69 -2.07 0.46 -0.88 -1.06
TATACHEM 324675 -3.22 5.97 1.08 -1.49 -5.8 -4.58
HINDOILEXP 779200 -3.18 8.41 0.87 -1.71 -3.9 -2.6
CMC 6200 -3.13 0 0 0 0 0
TRIVENI 1507275 -2.97 0.37 2.42 0.77 -3.95 -0.49
CORPBANK 118800 -2.94 6.81 0.53 -3.06 -21.29 -0.4
ICSA 202200 -2.88 -1.42 -3.03 4.01 -3.32 -3.48
POLARIS 1226400 -2.88 -3.84 -6.94 5.66 -1.45 2.76
HINDALCO 16509974 -2.84 0.35 -0.64 0.45 -5.67 -0.2

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Disclaimer : Recommendations or suggestions given here are totally free. Care has been taken to give correct advice / information / recommendations / suggestions /tips. We take no guarantee that the mentioned analysis will work to your benefit. Since we are involved in the market, we take pleasure in giving the best for the benifit of all. We have interest in the market and may or may not have positions in some or all of the stocks that are mentioned. We do not have any clients as such. These views are purely personal. We do not take any responsibility in any profits or losses that any one incurs as a result of these views / suggestions / recommendations / advice / tip /etc. Please do your own due diligence before initiating any trades as a result of this information.
