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Tuesday, 23 December 2008


Following is a list of top gainers and losers in the futures and options market in the NSE on the 22 December 2008 for the January series:
We have added a new feature : The 5 previous days have been analyzed as to the change in the open interest over the previous trading day. This should give a better picture while analyzing the stocks.

Top Gainers

% CHANGE 19-Dec-08 18-Dec-08 17-Dec-08 16-Dec-08 15-Dec-08
BEML 3875 3000 0 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
FSL 836000 2833.33 500 0 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
BATAINDIA 39900 1800 0 0 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
DABUR 75600 1300 0 100 0 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
ABGSHIP 13750 1150 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
PURVA 6000 1100 0 0 0 0 0
INDUSINDBK 121275 950 100 0 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
ABIRLANUVO 12200 916.67 200 0 100 0 0
TVSMOTOR 554600 889.47 171.43 75 300 0 0
SCI 156000 664.71 21.43 180 400 0 ---n.a.---
BAJAJ-AUTO 7400 640 0 66.67 0 0 0
BEL 20286 635 66.67 9.09 0 83.33 500
MINDTREE 4200 600 0 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
CUMMINSIND 68400 585.71 16.67 157.14 0 133.33 0
PATNI 31200 585.71 250 0 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
FINANTECH 35700 543.24 131.25 33.33 500 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
YESBANK 178200 523.08 85.71 16.67 50 33.33 50
AKRUTI 282600 519.74 2.7 55.79 11.76 14.86 48
NAGARCONST 326000 515.09 17.78 45.16 34.78 27.78 5.88
IVRPRIME 9600 500 0 0 0 0 0
DCHL 161500 493.75 100 14.29 16.67 500 0
JINDALSAW 40500 458.62 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
PENINLAND 118250 437.5 700 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
HINDOILEXP 150400 370 42.86 55.56 125 0 0
RAJESHEXPO 1232550 366.88 40.35 83.87 16.98 140.91 37.5

Following is a list of top gainers and losers in the futures and options market in the NSE on the 22 December 2008 for the December series:
Top Gainers

% CHANGE 19-Dec-08 18-Dec-08 17-Dec-08 16-Dec-08 15-Dec-08
HCL-INSYS 6800 33.33 200 0 0 0 0
CMC 7800 2.63 0 0 2.7 0 0

Top Losers

% CHANGE 19-Dec-08 18-Dec-08 17-Dec-08 16-Dec-08 15-Dec-08
SYNDIBANK 421800 -81.82 -47.69 -26.47 -0.97 -2.11 0.21
JSL 614000 -69.05 -11.19 -7.69 -33.63 -0.6 -0.46
BALRAMCHIN 1725600 -68.79 -17.63 1.05 -4.32 -5.05 -0.42
INDIACEM 873625 -57.87 -51.82 -17.89 -3.12 -7.18 -3.7
AKRUTI 210300 -52.25 0.62 -0.34 -0.54 -0.88 0.68
REDINGTON 500 -50 100 -66.67 ---n.a.--- ---n.a.--- ---n.a.---
ESSAROIL 1800300 -45.86 -16.61 -6.27 -7.03 0.22 4.9
PNB 1546200 -44.35 -10.16 -0.12 0.21 -0.27 -1.05
BHARATFORG 1093000 -44.32 -14.28 9.67 -29.86 0 4.38
GTL 1545750 -42.65 -23.78 -7.55 -32.93 -3.69 0.04
JINDALSTEL 459680 -40.98 -8.44 -1.08 -3.83 1.9 -0.63
NAGARCONST 458000 -40.67 9.66 1.59 -8.58 -15.68 -10.46
UNITECH 19321200 -40.37 -2.72 1.67 -8.31 -8.14 7
STERLINBIO 965000 -40.25 -9.4 5.16 6.1 15.55 11.04
EDUCOMP 403350 -39.53 -12.6 -5.71 -11 9.19 -1.43
BEL 31326 -38.98 -5.34 0 -10.48 1.86 4.11
RELCAPITAL 1092270 -38.77 -26.32 4.72 -23 -13.28 -11.62
M&M 866112 -38.38 -25.31 -2.39 0.15 -0.85 0.13
PUNJLLOYD 3708000 -38.32 -22.74 19.78 -11.19 5.4 1.71
TV-18 549100 -37.88 -0.67 -0.66 -6.39 -10.49 -7.36
SESAGOA 5467500 -37.26 -3.13 0.37 -4.28 2.9 1.68
ICICIBANK 5107200 -37.1 -9.9 -6.39 -20.74 1.07 -3.77
IVRCLINFRA 1237500 -36.88 -2.15 -2.67 -6.07 4.43 5.88
WELGUJ 712000 -36.65 -34.74 17.97 -13.79 -7.96 -18.67
UCOBANK 1110000 -35.47 -9.47 7.65 4.75 4.98 1.26

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Disclaimer : Recommendations or suggestions given here are totally free. Care has been taken to give correct advice / information / recommendations / suggestions /tips. We take no guarantee that the mentioned analysis will work to your benefit. Since we are involved in the market, we take pleasure in giving the best for the benifit of all. We have interest in the market and may or may not have positions in some or all of the stocks that are mentioned. We do not have any clients as such. These views are purely personal. We do not take any responsibility in any profits or losses that any one incurs as a result of these views / suggestions / recommendations / advice / tip /etc. Please do your own due diligence before initiating any trades as a result of this information.
