Thursday, 28 August 2008
Monday, 25 August 2008
Following is a list of top gainers and losers in the futures and options market in the NSE on the 22nd August 2008 for the August series: Top Gainers % CHANGE SYMBOL OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE OPEN_INT CHG_IN_OI IN O.I. SREINTFIN 112.4 112.4 107.5 108.6 12250 7000 133.33 IBREALEST 277 280.7 267.5 271.55 480350 169650 54.6 FSL 40.1 40.85 39.55 40.1 57000 19000 50 COREPROTEC 276 291 274.3 286.85 1368750 425250 45.07 NOIDATOLL 44 46.15 43.4 44.85 1238200 352600 39.81 PTC 81.8 81.95 80 80.4 110450 30550 38.24 NUCLEUS 168.25 169 168.25 169 91850 25300 38.02 ABGSHIP 369.95 369.95 365 369.95 6600 1650 33.33 MRF 3550 3570 3530 3570 400 100 33.33 GTLINFRA 38 42 38 41.55 3773300 814800 27.54 TORNTPOWER 115.1 118.35 113.65 116.7 93500 18700 25 GVKPIL 40.45 41.5 39.65 40.8 456000 90250 24.68 MLL 77.5 81 77.5 80 392000 68600 21.21 RIIL 938 961.9 930.6 942.25 62800 9000 16.73 EVERONN 514 533.8 514 521.4 12400 1600 14.81 GSPL 63.5 64.2 62.9 63.2 195200 21350 12.28 UCOBANK 37 38.7 37 38 870000 95000 12.26 NBVENTURES 248.1 255 248.1 253.95 45600 4800 11.76 BALAJITELE 161 166.95 158.05 164 42500 3750 9.68 WALCHANNAG 273 280 273 276.3 67900 5600 8.99 AKRUTI 759 785 755 780.75 39000 2400 6.56 J&KBANK 485 495 485 495 5700 300 5.56 Top Losers % CHANGE SYMBOL OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE OPEN_INT CHG_IN_OI IN O.I. GTL 192 194 190.95 193.25 4080000 -2220000 -35.24 PURVA 181 188.75 179 182.05 101500 -52000 -33.88 NIITLTD 87.1 88.3 87 87.2 575650 -292900 -33.72 JSTAINLESS 128.35 129.5 126.55 128.25 2686000 -1149000 -29.96 VOLTAMP 836 844.75 836 844.75 2000 -750 -27.27 BIRLACORPN 167.55 169.7 167.5 168.8 553350 -178500 -24.39 INDIACEM 138.15 142.8 137.5 140.8 4225300 -1332550 -23.98 BRFL 346 352.75 341.1 350.55 1444400 -414000 -22.28 LAXMIMACH 1091.05 1101.2 1087.05 1092.85 184100 -52000 -22.02 JINDALSTEL 1905 1946 1900.05 1921.4 600960 -140480 -18.95 EDUCOMP 3210.3 3234.95 3131.3 3209.15 191325 -43875 -18.65 INDUSINDBK 58.95 60 58.2 59.6 2113650 -465850 -18.06 SYNDIBANK 58 58 56.8 57.6 6661400 -1453500 -17.91 DABUR 87.05 90.75 86.8 89.75 1655100 -340200 -17.05 GMRINFRA 99.3 102.3 98.25 101.65 15910000 -3142500 -16.49 AXISBANK 643.5 684.7 643 681.25 2101725 -400950 -16.02 ITC 181.2 184.3 180 182.45 9640125 -1827000 -15.93 MAHSEAMLES 305 308.95 304 305.7 231600 -39000 -14.41 CUMMINSIND 307 308.5 292.2 298.2 69825 -11400 -14.04 MOSERBAER 91 93.5 90.35 92.25 3539250 -562650 -13.72 TCS 818 827 807.05 821.25 2386250 -373500 -13.53 BINDALAGRO 28 28.1 27.2 27.5 7063650 -1019700 -12.61 ONGC 1001.35 1033.9 988.4 1020.85 5038425 -712350 -12.39 HOTELEELA 31 33.2 31 32.7 7878750 -1087500 -12.13 BANKINDIA 250.25 260.9 250.2 258.75 3730650 -490200 -11.61 YESBANK 128.1 131 127.15 128.75 1964600 -240900 -10.92 STER 605.15 630 602 624.55 5198622 -629844 -10.81 PARSVNATH 114.15 117.05 113 115.05 4081000 -493500 -10.79 SHREECEM 610 613 607.05 608 11800 -1400 -10.61 I-FLEX 1244.5 1258.5 1243.55 1250.65 522750 -61800 -10.57 GAIL 386 392.8 372 388.95 1873500 -208500 -10.01
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Friday, 22 August 2008
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
The PUT game of last few days
Monday 11th we had posted charts on OI showing built up in 4400, 4500 and 4600 puts. Had some one taken an entry even on Tuesday, this would have almost doubled the money like it has done for the big fellas. Some times these setups are fake to distract the public to buy one side where as the game goes on the other side. But this setup was caught as built up had appeared all across the near and far puts. Even yesterday since dow was down, the markets here should start on a negative note hence giving good exit positions or puts. It may be of interest to note that the big fella has still not squared off positions.
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Top Gainers % CHANGE SYMBOL OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE IN O.I. DABUR 96.15 96.15 90.35 90.85 28.33 KOTAKBANK 594.7 596.8 560.35 578.45 15.95 STAR 182.55 195.75 182.55 191.2 15.89 TRIVENI 105 110.8 102.6 110.05 14.47 NAGARCONST 128.4 132.2 124.1 128.2 13.06 BANKINDIA 260 264.5 252.6 260.45 9.7 LT 2660 2699.9 2641.5 2679.5 9.51 HDIL 415 426.65 400.25 406.35 9.43 CROMPGREAV 251.75 258.85 248.2 256.1 9.39 BAJAJHIND 174.6 183.8 173.5 183 9.08 BALRAMCHIN 89 97.45 89 96.8 8.24 INDIAINFO 142.65 144.75 136.25 138 8.17 PIRHEALTH 313 313 307 307 7.69 BRFL 342.65 353.2 339.5 348.9 6.44 PNB 467.1 469 457.1 462.45 6.28 SATYAMCOMP 419.8 424.9 402.25 407.3 6.17 APIL 418 418.3 407 415 6.14 APTECHT 234 236.05 221.4 226.55 6.04 BEML 727.05 727.05 712.4 720.05 5.7 AXISBANK 672.05 694 672.05 684.9 5.39 Top Losers % CHANGE SYMBOL OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE IN O.I. GRASIM 1975 1990 1925 1972.9 -30.89 SKUMARSYNF 68.5 68.5 64.7 66.6 -13.36 CENTURYTEX 484 491.1 477 487.4 -12.64 HINDALCO 125 131.5 125 130.25 -10.86 SHREECEM 595.05 610 595 610 -9.59 GNFC 118.7 122.65 117.75 122.05 -9.4 ULTRACEMCO 610.5 617.5 592.5 613.35 -9.01 ACC 590 594 557 561 -8.23 MAHSEAMLES 317 317 315 316.7 -8.19 INDIACEM 145.85 147.5 141.65 144.75 -8.16 POLARIS 106.4 108.7 104.75 106.95 -7.49 ABB 840.1 871 840 863.35 -6.41 INDIANB 112.1 115.9 112.1 115.6 -6.41 PARSVNATH 116 118.9 113.7 116 -6.36 ROLTA 324.9 331 319.35 327.8 -6.02 MTNL 104 105.15 102.65 104.8 -5.95 RPOWER 160.2 161.15 154.2 157.9 -5.78 HINDPETRO 216.05 221.5 215.1 218.8 -5.17 BHUSANSTL 900 900 892 894.55 -5.06
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General Computer Security
# Update antivirus/ anti-spyware/ firewall at least every 15 days. Carry out a complete system scan with your anti-virus at least once a week, or better, auto-schedule it to run every Friday.
# There are a few free online antivirus scanners available at Trend-Micro, Kaspersky and F-Secure.
# Don't download or open attachments from unknown senders. Even if the sender is trusted, ensure that the content is relevant. Even non-executable files like *.doc files can contain macro viruses and Trojans. There are some dangerous programmes called worms, which don't need human interaction. You can be infected by simply opening an e-mail or by visiting a Web site and that's it. So always stay alert. Avoid opening e-mail attachments that contain .vbs, .scr, .exe, or .pif file extensions. Files that end in these extensions are most likely to contain some sort of viruses.
# Latest Web browsers such as Firefox, IE 7 & Opera offer innovative new security features, so it is necessary to update old browsers to their latest versions.
# Never download any files especially executable files over P2P sharing networks (peer-to-peer), as you can never be absolutely certain as to what they really are. P2P file sharing programmes can lead to the installation of a lot of adware and spyware. Try downloading executables from authentic and well-known Web sites; don't download files from any random Web site.
# Try not to visit warez, porn sites or Web sites that provide cracks and serials because most of them have a lot of spyware, trojans and viruses. A single visit and you are most likely infected with hundreds of malicious programmes.
# Be familiar with the programmes installed on your computer. If you notice that a new programme is installed without your permission, possibilities are that it might be something malicious.
# Read the installation agreements carefully when you download something from the Internet. Pay attention to the terms and conditions or EULA (end-user license agreements) of the programme being installed. Reference to third party installation should be given more attention. Some EULA's tell you that, if you install the programme, you have to also agree to install some spyware with the software. Check the independent sources, because some EULA's do not mention about the spyware.
# Back-up your computer on a regular basis, at least weekly. Copy your important documents and files onto a USB drive, CD or a DVD for safekeeping. Don't wait for the disaster to happen, take the precautions beforehand. Create system restore points periodically.
# Never respond to unsolicited e-mail. To those who send spam, one response or 'hit' from thousands of e-mails is enough to justify the practice. Additionally, it validates your email address as active, which makes it more valuable, and therefore opens the door to more spam.
# Beware of phishing attacks. Sites like AntiPhishing offer latest updates on phishing along with some good security tips.
# Don't chat with strangers or accept any file, especially executables from an unknown person on chat. Don't click on any links given by someone you don't know.
# Do not accept links or downloads from strangers even if it is tempting. There have been cases where spyware like trojans and key-loggers have been hidden in simple picture files with .jpg extensions. You never really know what is contained inside a file which looks attractive.
# Be cautious while displaying your profile, especially your personal details, photographs, videos and contacts on social networking sites. Your profiles and contacts may be misused by other people.
# Install parental-control or filtering softwares like those from Websense (LINK) that helps you choose what can be seen on the Internet and monitor the activities of any users.
Online Shopping Security
# While purchasing online, look for signs that these are secure (SSL secured sites or 128 bit encryption) like shopping.rediff.com. At the point when you are providing your payment information, a golden-coloured lock appears (for SSL secured sites) on the right hand side corner of the browser or the beginning of the Web site address should change from http to https, indicating that the information is being encrypted ie turned into code that can only be read by the seller.
# Your browser may also signal that the information is secure with a symbol, such as a broken key that becomes whole or a padlock that closes.
# Carefully use credit-cards and online banking for online shopping. Check your credit card and bank statements at regular intervals. Notify the bank immediately if there are unauthorised charges or debits. Avoid using credit card details and online banking on public computers and in cyber cafes. It is very unsafe because most of them are infected with viruses, trojans and key loggers.
# Some banks have launched their services like Net Safe to create temporary credit cards with a limited value to transact online. Paypal is also a secure way to do the transactions .This way, in the worst case scenario you can minimise the impact.
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Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Thursday, 14 August 2008
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Top Gainers % CHANGE SYMBOL OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE IN O.I. INDIANB 126.4 126.4 119.6 122.1 21.95 TATACHEM 338.75 339 315.2 318.3 18.47 KOTAKBANK 637.65 667.45 629 657.5 18.42 NETWORK18 204.2 212.7 195.1 209.7 17.9 PIRHEALTH 329 332 320 320 16.67 GESHIP 390.25 392 382.7 387.45 12.3 TATAPOWER 1028 1051.9 1010.3 1017.55 10.46 ARVIND 39.5 40.7 38.85 40.25 10.11 POLARIS 97.75 104.3 97.65 103.55 10.08 NAGARCONST 141.5 147.85 140.15 141.5 9.81 MCDOWELL-N 1358 1425 1358 1415.3 8.59 RNRL 101 105.7 100.75 104.75 7.64 DIVISLAB 1510.05 1626 1510.05 1608.75 7.63 BAJAJHIND 184 186.2 176.75 177.85 7.43 TATATEA 654.4 758.9 654.4 754.3 7.31 LITL 336.6 345.45 324.5 326.8 7.22 BANKINDIA 290.1 292.75 281.3 284.55 7.08 ANDHRABANK 60 61 59.9 60.2 6.29 BOMDYEING 622.25 644.7 615.5 617.95 5.84 MOSERBAER 100.1 105 100.1 103.6 5.8 HCC 108.6 112.35 104.5 105.95 5.77 ANSALINFRA 100.8 104.8 100.05 101 5.69 COLPAL 420 423.8 417 418.75 5.36 KPIT 67.3 69.85 66.95 67.6 5.35 Top Losers % CHANGE SYMBOL OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE IN O.I. CROMPGREAV 268 278.45 266.5 274.5 -31.81 SOBHA 282 291.8 282 287.75 -15.04 MAHLIFE 485 486.95 470 471.4 -9.41 J&KBANK 518 525.8 518 525.8 -9.38 JETAIRWAYS 523.5 537.5 510 513.2 -8.49 AIRDECCAN 92 96.2 91 91.35 -5.76 SCI 228 236 228 235.15 -5.67 BIOCON 404.45 415 403 405.6 -5.42 IRB 159.95 164.5 159.95 163.3 -5.41 CUMMINSIND 305.5 317.45 305 315.45 -5.34 NATIONALUM 394 407.5 390.7 404.2 -5.3
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
New Stocks in FnO
NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LIMITED FUTURES & OPTIONS SEGMENT CIRCULAR Circular No. NSE/F&O/081/2008 August 12, 2008 Download No: NSE/FAOP/11119 Dear Members Introduction of futures and options contracts on 39 additional individual securities With reference to circulars no NSE/F&O/0014/2001 dated June 29, 2001, NSE/F&O/0027/2001 dated November 07, 2001, SEBI circular SMDRP/DNPD/CIR -26/2004/07/16 dated July 16, 2004, and approval received from SEBI, members are hereby notified that the following 39 additional securities will be available for trading in F&O with effect from August 21, 2008: Sr No Symbol Security Name 1 ABGSHIP ABG SHIPYARD LTD 2 AKRUTI AKRUTI CITY LIMITED 3 ASIANPAINT ASIAN PAINTS LIMITED 4 BALAJITELE BALAJI TELEFILMS LIMITED. 5 CONCOR CONTAINER CORP OF IND LTD 6 COREPROTEC CORE PROJ. & TECH. LTD. 7 DCHL DECCAN CHRONICLE HOLD LTD 8 DISHTV DISH TV INDIA LTD. 9 EVERONN EVERONN SYSTEMS IND. LTD 10 FSL FIRSTSOURCE SOLU. LTD. 11 GSPL GUJARAT STATE PETRO LTD 12 GTLINFRA GTL INFRA.LTD 13 GVKPIL GVK POW. & INFRA LTD. 14 HCL-INSYS HCL INFOSYSTEMS LTD 15 IBREALEST INDIABULLS REAL EST. LTD 16 ICSA ICSA (INDIA) LIMITED 17 KLGSYSTEL KLG SYSTEL LTD. 18 KSOILS K S OILS LIMITED 19 MIC MIC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 20 MINDTREE MINDTREE LIMITED 21 MLL MERCATOR LINES LIMITED 22 MONNETISPA MONNET ISPAT LTD 23 MRF MRF LTD 24 NBVENTURES NAVA BHARAT VENTURES LIMI 25 NOIDATOLL NOIDA TOLL BRIDGE CO LTD 26 OPTOCIRCUI OPTO CIRCUITS (I) LTD. 27 ORBITCORP ORBIT CORP. LTD. 28 PRISMCEM PRISM CEMENTS LTD 29 PTC PTC INDIA LIMITED 30 RIIL RELIANCE INDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTU LTD 31 SINTEX SINTEX INDUSTRIES LTD 32 SREINTFIN SREI INFRASTRUCTURE FINAN 33 THERMAX THERMAX LTD 34 TORNTPOWER TORRENT POWER LTD 35 TV-18 TV18 INDIA LIMITED 36 UCOBANK UCO BANK 37 UTVSOF UTV SOFT. COMM. LTD. 38 VOLTAMP VOLTAMP TRANSFORMERS LTD 39 WALCHANNAG WALCHANDNAGAR INDUSTRIES The details of market lot and list of contracts being made available for trading in the above securities will be informed to members separately through a circular on August 20, 2008. For any clarification members are requested to contact following officials Sachin Dhar & Janardhan Gujaran on 022-26598151, 022-26598152 For National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Suprabhat Lala
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